Item about my dissertation on BNR Nieuwsradio
BNR Nieuwsradio reported (in Dutch) about my research in both an article and a radio item on June 1st. Listen to the radio item below, or on the BNR website.
BNR Nieuwsradio reported (in Dutch) about my research in both an article and a radio item on June 1st. Listen to the radio item below, or on the BNR website.
Surrounding my PhD defense on June 8, 2016, my research was highlighted on the homepage of the University of Amsterdam.
Following the release of the Clapping Music App, which was designed by researchers from Queen Mary University in London, I was asked to appear in RTL Editie NL to talk about beat perception. See the full item here.
[:en]Today I appeared in the NCRV radio show Cappuccino. Listen to the interview (in Dutch) below. [:nl]Vandaag was ik te horen in het NCRV programma Cappuccino op Radio 2. Luister hieronder het interview terug. [:]
[:en]On March 20, Folia Magazine published a short portrait on me in “Folia maakt kennis”. I was interviewed for Folia Radio on the same day. You can find the portrait here (in Dutch): Folia Magazine interview. You can listen to the complete interview below (in Dutch). [:nl]Op 20 maart verscheen er in de rubriek “Folia maakt kennis” een portret over […]