In the summer of 2019, I was lucky to be invited to be part of a Lorentz workshop, in which an inspiring group of researchers came together to discuss rhythm from every possible angle. This workshop was instigated by a fabulous organising team:Henkjan Honing, Sonja Kotz, Andrea Ravignani, and Michael Greenfield. The results of all the fruitful discussions will be published soon in a Special Issue in Philosophical Transactions B, including a paper co-authored by me on how to test rhythmic abilities in human and non-human animals.
In the paper, co-authored by Carel ten Cate, Vivek Nityananda, and Andrew Rouse, we discuss how different paradigms are used in different species. For example, birds are often tested on their rhythm perception, while monkeys are often tested on rhythm production, making it very hard to compare their abilities. The paper is now available as a preprint on PsyArxiv!